“Science Will Win,” a campaign the introduced to communicate its commitment to using its size and resources to pioneer science at scale for a new era in human health. The first execution was presented to Pfizer in early 2020 and was intended to run in the US later that year and throughout the globe early 2021. But then COVID-19 happened, and the global pandemic made the message more apt and urgent. Coupled with this global pandemic and increasing desire to take action, Pfizer needed to be seen as a leader in the fight against COVID-19 and other global diseases. So we partnered with Pfizer to change our plans and apply the “Science Will Win” platform to focus on the initiatives to combat the virus. Because social distancing regulations made integrated productions a temporary thing of the past, we used Pfizer-proprietary video, stock imagery, and self-shot footage of Pfizer scientists currently working on COVID-19 vaccines and antiviral treatments. The campaign launched in April 2020 and included a :60 film that ran on TV, online video, and social media - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Key Pfizer executives posted their own self-shot photos on social media, all holding signs with our simple and hopeful message: Science Will Win. The campaign has since been translated and launched in 10 global markets. Results: The impact of the campaign was immediate and made significant strides in meeting their brand reputation goals. According to a Pfizer proprietary quantitative study following the campaign: 55% of have a more favorable view of Pfizer, which they are attributing in large part to the campaign 40% of Americans have a more favorable view of pharma Public perception of the pharma industry overall has improved due to COVID and is at its highest since 2003 Facebook included ‘Science Will Win’ in their “best of the pandemic” campaigns The campaign provided more earned media against a single initiative than anything Pfizer has done in years, including mentions on the CBS Morning Show Increase executive visibility and participation in media relations, which was a key part of our pitch Drove internal stakeholder and employee pride