Introductory Video for Module #1

Bayashi TV

Please take the time to watch this Introductory Video for Module #1 where I walk you through what you are going to accomplish in each of these Lessons. in this section focused on The Money conversations!

PLEASE NOTE that the College Money Report you are going to run in the first lesson is created by the CAP – CollegeAidPro Software program. I share this because Lesson 1 is all about running your College Money Report and Lesson 2 goes into detail on inputting your financial and factual information into the CAP Software. This program will then calculate your Expected Family Contribution and give you the ability to dive into each of the colleges you are considering so that you have all the facts you need to pick the right colleges.

Here’s wishing you the very best as you begin this important part of the College Financial Aid and Scholarship Course: Show Me Where To Find The Money!

