I specialise in helping online consultants close more deals by analysing their introduction calls

Bayashi TV

Do you ever wonder what you could have done better to close the client?

You set the meeting.
You qualify a clear problem that you can help them with.
You present with confidence and they agree it’s very helpful.
It’s going great and you said all the right things…

But for some reason… they don’t buy…
They say something like…
“They want to wait a bit… ”
” They want you to send more info”
“They would first like to try it on their own…”
” It’s not a great time right now”
” The other is much cheaper”
“They have a friend who could do it… ”
” They first have to check it with someone higher up”
” You don’t have this particular thing”

or ..You never hear back from them..
If this happens
You are putting yourself unintentionally at risk.
This means you are losing valuable time and not converting your calls in to money.

That’s hurting your business.
One of my clients has a training and consulting business that they run online and get inbound leads via youtube videos. They also get a lot of clients referred who where happy to finished the program. But for some reason about 1 out of 3 meetings they do did not sign up. Their meetings take more than a hour to do and they en up giving a big 33% discount most of the time in order for them to close the deal.
That’s thousands of dollars lost and countless hours you don’t get back.

How did I help?

I specialise in helping online consultants close more deals by analysing their introduction calls.
I focus on need qualification, your body language, your pitch, how you deal with pricing and closing and many other points we will cover together.

You send me the recording of your client call and I reply with a step by step video break down of your calls.

Kind of like YouTube video reactions or ” GQ” : The BreakDown.

This helped my client cut their intakes in half and increase their closing rate with

