Without Othering: The Art of Laurence Salzmann

Bayashi TV

In response to questions foregrounded in Laurence Salzmann’s exhibition Misk’i Kachi Runakuna, Taller Puertorriqueño is hosting two consecutive virtual talks about documentary photography and cross-cultural perspectives. The discussions will address Salzmann’s work as well as examine issues of power embodied by the photographer’s eye, the role of the subject in shaping the narrative, and the complicity of the viewer.

The first talk, Without Othering: The Art of Laurence Salzmann, on April 21 @ 7:00 pm with William Valerio, President of the Woodmere Museum and Sarah Stolfa, Chief Executive Officer of the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center will focus contemporary documentary photography, and take into consideration issues of power and the relationship between the photographer, the subject, and the viewer.
