TWA_Highlights Reel_051221.mp4

Bayashi TV

The actual live program, “Take a Place at the Table,” took place on Wednesday, May 5th, at 7:00 PM.

There was a 10 Minute Pre-Roll to engage the waiting attendees, and to entertain and inform those who “Tuned in” to the Zoom URL early.

The actual live program, Take a Place at the Table,” began at 7:00PM sharp, and ran for forty minutes.

At the end of the live event, a “Post-Roll” of 10 minutes, presented credits and provided an informative, soft-ending for the event to allow for more time to promote financial support for the wonderful TWT programs.

The Women’s Table is a Woman-to-Woman resource center sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.

Women from all walks of life benefit from educational programs, social support, supportive circles, advocacy and outreach support.

We were so honored to be asked to help to produced their first Virtual Event, and to support their efforts to promote their remarkable work.

A team of just 5 produced it: Mary Rita Weschler, the Director of The Woman’s Table, assisted by the very creative Darlene Rogers, the Communications Director for the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, with help from Barry O’Brien, John Stephens, and Bill Wangerin who provided the production services and technical transmission services through North Shore Communications Group, Inc.

All donations support the Women’s Table and the people it serves.
