The Coffee Run Ep614 – The key to making your free content, free things and marketing WORK on the interwebs and beyond.

Bayashi TV

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll likely be aware that one of the best ways to build relationships online is to help people BEFORE they pay you!!!!
I’m not talking about helping them 1:1 or in a long-term-unpaid relationship – o hells no!!!! – but more helping them to get results by learning from you BEFORE buying from you. you might like to call this the ‘Results In Advance’ strategy.
The way that I look at this, is that there are three main steps to making this work for you AND for them. For you, it’s about leveraging your knowledge and your reach. (This then fuels your impact, by the way!!).
You need to first of all work out what your audience feels like they want, need … or what is the presenting problem that they have that they need help with.
You need to know their symptoms first of all.
Next, you want to triage them. You need to identify their symptoms and let them know that they can access help from you – for free – before paying you any money whatsoever.
Let them know that they’re not alone. Let them know that there is a way that they can move beyond where they are right now. That they can access help and support for free by way of downloading/accessing this free thing that you have put together.
Next, you’ve got to actually solve it for them! Help them get a result. Provide to them 3-5-7-9 steps (Hint: Don’t make it too big otherwise people can end up in the land of overwhelm and won’t do anything with what you’ve given them).
Naturally, there will be some people who will be enamoured with you. Who will be leaping out of their seats and through their screens to try and work with you. Others might take a bit more time to feel that level of safety and comfort and trust with you….
So it’s important that you continue adding value through your marketing and through your content consistently.
As always, catch the full replay where I talk about all of this – and more… of course!
Get out there. 
Go help some people.
And most of all remember: The World Is Ready For Your Brand of Awesome!
