SAS Update: SAS in Mobile Share Menu

Bayashi TV

Take us for a test drive: free 14 day trial of SAS – Sourcing Analysis Simplified – awaits you at

The SAS mobile app now offers the ability to use the iOS or Android Share menu while you source products via RA, OA or wholesale for your Amazon selling business. This video walks you through this feature and how to best utilize it.
► :43 What the Share feature is
► 1:11 How Share works on mobile phone & demo
► 2:50 How to see SAS in Share menu
► 3:48 Benefits of using the feature
► 5:14 How Share works with tablets
► 6:00 Tablet demo
► 9:48 the 5 uses of the SAS mobile app

The Share menu enables you to share content you have highlighted with any other app or contact. Or it allows you to copy or save the text.

How does it work with SAS? When you find a product you would like SAS to analyze while browsing on your tablet or mobile phone simply highlight text you wish to search and choose ‘Share.’ Share menu then presents you with the option to open SAS. This means you can use the SAS mobile app just as easily as you use the Chrome extension or web app, when it comes to pivoting from one site back to SAS. No more copy and paste from one window to the next. Just highlight your text and select Share!

And for tablet users, this means you can utilize your tablet’s split screen feature and quickly search SAS on the same screen! Find your text for SAS to search, Share to SAS. Once SAS comes up just open your dock and pull up the app you want next to SAS.

When first using the function, it may require you to visit the menu in your Share function. There you will find the SAS app. Simply drag it up to your favorites and it will be waiting there for you next time you choose Share.

Not familiar with SellerAmp SAS? SAS…Sourcing Analysis Simplified… is the perfect tool to simplify your OA, RA or wholesale analysis for your Amazon sourcing. You get 3 tools – web app, mobile app and Chrome extension – for one low price. A 14 day free trial is waiting for you at
