Growing Relational Ministries Course with Elizabeth Mae “Liz” Magill

Bayashi TV

Take your existing outreach ministry to the next step or create something new by connecting to your theological and spiritual values. We will discuss how to move from ministry that is primarily to others into one that is ministry with people who are in need, and then look at the ways sharing the ministry creates a community that is church. For churches that attend as a team, there will be time to develop plans for next steps that are specific to your context.

There will be four sessions in this course:
* Week One: What are you doing now? Building Relationships.
* Week Two: Creating Change? Leadership development
* Week Three: What is Church? Incorporating spirituality
* Week Four: What next? (individual live sessions as scheduled)

Each week watch a short video and discuss among church members. In addition to the asynchronous interaction, the whole class will gather the first three sessions in in a live, 1-hour gathering on Thursday at 7:30 pm ET. The last week will provide each team an individual meeting time with the instructor.

To encourage greater participation from your community, this course offers discount codes for each additional participant. The cost is 1st=$200, 2nd=$100, 3rd and 4th=$50 each.

For more information, . For discount information, contact Julie Lytle, Director of Distributive and Lifelong Learning Initiatives
