Friday Update with Jeremy Rose 9-10-21

Bayashi TV

Dear LAC Family,

Today, Jeremy Rose, Co-Director of Worship & the Arts invites us into the fall with a new 4-week teaching series in the Book of Psalms titled “Together Life: Psalms of Experience.”

The Book of Psalms is often referred to as the hymnal of ancient Israel—filled with poetry from a wide number of authors, songs lyrics without melody, raw emotion, declarations of faith, and expressions of God’s faithfulness. As the inspired Word of God, the Psalms hold this truth about worship: our worship is a back-and-forth conversation in which we bring all of ourselves (the good, the bad, the raw, and the real) before the feet of our Sovereign God and we are met by all of who God is, His all-sufficient grace.

The Psalms illustrate to us that while our life of faith is exceedingly personal and individual, it is never isolated and never meant to be lived out apart from community. This is the life of togetherness that we see throughout biblical history and throughout the Psalms.

During this 4-week series, we will explore the Together Life and developing the skills to face life’s ups and downs with one another in worship and in faith. We have also taken time with a number of Lake composers to put melodies to these ancient lyrics. A new song has been written for each Psalm and will be shared each week of the series.

This Sunday, Jeremy, our vocalists, and musicians will lead us in Psalm 8, the first of four original songs, while Pastor Chuck Hunt helps us explore and understand the meaning behind this Psalm in a special message titled “Images.”

For the next six weeks (through mid-October) we are going to be extending our one 10 am Sunday morning service schedule we experimented with over the summer. During this time The Ministry Council wants to hear your thoughts and leadings on our worship service plans as part of our September “Year of Listening” together before we make a long-term decision. Join us at one of several “Communal Listening” gatherings starting Sunday, September 20 through September 24, virtually at 7 pm or Sunday, Sept. 26 from 1 to 2 pm in HH 400 (Skyroom). To sign up

Stay up to date on this and other updates from the Ministry Council at

If you have not been baptized and would like to be on Sunday, September 26, in our 10 am worship service, please take one of two Baptism Orientation Classes hosted by Pastor Mathew John this Sunday or next Sunday at 11:30 am in HH401. This short class is required in order to be baptized at Lake. To find out more please search keyword: baptismclass or contact Pastor Mathew at or call 626.817.4512.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10 am indoors and online as we get to experience the joy of worship, celebration and message. You can also watch our service anytime on-demand afterward on YouTube and Facebook.

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