Dublin the Mustang – from the saddle – Waterloo trail ride 6 Oct 2021.mp4

Bayashi TV

Dublin the Mustang went on his first solo Waterloo trail ride on 6 Oct 2021. He has been on two previous Waterloo trail rides and one Oak Openings trail ride with one or more experienced horses prior to this. On those rides with experienced horses I had Dublin take the lead as much of the time as his courage allowed and he lead a high percentage of the time on each ride despite low herd rank and low personal experience with trail riding. He did very well on this solo ride. –
Remember to read, study, and ponder upon God’s word each day and also pray each day to find out what God needs you to do today and then do it. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier – Colt Starting Trainer https://griffes.tripod.com/farrier.html
Constitution Coach https://coach.patriotacademy.com/constitutioncoach
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