Become a Member This Week! // April 25, 2021 // VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENTS

Bayashi TV

First, take the next step and become a member here at Capstone at our Connections Membership Class next Sunday, May 2nd, at 5pm. You’ll have the chance to meet our pastors and get to learn more about who we are and what we believe as a church. Dinner and childcare will be provided for the evening, so with all this in mind, make sure to sign up online this week or at the info table just outside the central doors of the sanctuary and join us next Sunday!

Then, it’s time for our monthly ladies craft night again. Ladies Night Out is meeting on Friday, May 7th, at 7pm, with the craft being a decorative flower hanger. All the supplies you’ll need will be provided for $5 but as always we do recommend you bring some of your own things to personalize it just how you want. Be sure to get signed up and pay soon so we can ensure we have enough supplies for everybody.

Next, we are excited to announce that our Annual Church-wide Connect Group Picnic is in just one month on Saturday, May 22nd, from 10am-2pm! Additionally, for the first time ever, it’s going to be right here at the church. We’ll have a variety of activities for everyone to participate in, and will be providing hamburgers, hotdogs, and water, with our Connect Groups bringing side dishes for the event. We’re very excited and will share more going forward, but in the meantime, be sure to get plugged in to a Connect Group today and pray for good weather for the upcoming picnic.

Check us out and share us with your family & friends!
